A number of members of our community will be presenting at the 32nd Annual Conference of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI), 16-18 June 2016 in Dublin, Ireland. These are the ones we know about (the full program is available here):
Thurs 16 June, 5:25-6:40pm: Björn Philips, Maria Frankl, Birgitta Elmquist, Leif Havnesköld
Relational and emotional aspects: crucial factors in psychotherapy and in supervision
Thurs 16 June, 5:25-6:40pm: Maria Sandgren
How therapists’ and clients’ use of words can vary the psychological distance to emotionally loaded issues
Thurs 16 June, 5:25-6:40pm: Ken Hundert
Reflecting on Self and Practice with an Introduction to Internal Family Systems Therapy
Thurs 16 June, 5:25-6:40pm: Stanley Messer (Discussant) / Pat Pitta presenting
Lesbian “coming out”: Assimilative Family Therapy Model and other perspectives
Thurs 16 June, 7:00-9:00pm (poster session/reception): Katie Aafjes-van Doorn
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Group in a psychoanalytic community psychology service: A pilot study
Fri 17 June, 8:30-9:45am: Susan Warren Warshow
DEFTly Penetrating Defenses and Surmounting Shame: an integrative model emphasizing depth emotion processing and authentic attachment
Fri 17 June, 3:35-4:50pm: Stanley Messer
Reflections of three senior therapists on their careers as psychotherapists (with Arthur Bohart and Marvin Goldfried)
Sat 18 June, 8:30-9:45am: Kristin Osborn
Paraverbal Communication in Psychotherapy: Beyond the Words