Please read this page before you apply to join the list.
Health professionals—licensed or in training to become licensed—can join the IEDTA’S “EDT-List” email list (or “listserv”), which is devoted to discussions about clinical and theoretical issues relevant to EDT, as well as IEDTA organizational matters.
Privacy and Policies
- The list is not shared or sold. Your application information is shared with the list administrators only.
- Unsolicited mass mailings by a member to other list members are not permitted.
- Posts to the list may be screened by the moderator.
- To promote a vibrant, inclusive, and welcoming community, the IEDTA Board has approved Listserv Guidelines.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the EDT-List
What is the purpose of the EDT Discussion List?
This list provides a forum for exchange of information on Experiential Dynamic Therapies (EDTs).
What topics does the list discuss?
The topics range from clinical cases, our own experience in day-to-day practice, reviews of resources and other practical matters. Here is a sampling:
- announcements of and requests for training opportunities
- announcements and updates about research projects
- theoretical discussions
- discussion of on-line resources and publications
- requests for collaboration on research projects
- referral requests
Who can join the list?
This list is for health professionals and those in training in a health profession.
What is Experiential Dynamic Therapy?
You can find out more about Experiential Dynamic Therapy by exploring other pages of this website.
Who is the list owner and moderator?
The list owner is the IEDTA (International Experiential Dynamic Therapy Association). The list moderator is Allen Kalpin, MD.
How can I join? Leave? Ask Questions?
This listserv is for health professionals and students in training to become health professionals. To apply to join the listserv please fill out the application to join the EDT-List. To unsubscribe from the listserv follow the instructions at the bottom of emails that you have received from the list.
If you have questions please contact the list moderator, Allen Kalpin, MD, at
How does the list work?
Any message sent to the list is automatically sent to all members. Listserv members can send messages to the list by addressing them
What is the atmosphere of the list?
In the spirit of all professional discussion lists, we encourage open and lively discussion in an atmosphere of respect, tolerance, and open-mindedness.
What are the rules of the list?
At the insistence of our webmaster we post these rules:
- We reserve the right to caution and/or remove anyone from the list who engages in dialogue that is not respectful to other list members.
- List members who send mass unsolicited email to other members will be removed.
- Removals are at the discretion of the list owner and moderator.
To promote healthy exchange, the IEDTA Board has suggested Listserv Guidelines.
How private is my email address, identity and application information?
You can subscribe to the list privately, sharing your contact information with the list administrators only. If you send a message to the list, members will see your email address on your message. Also, we all feel a little more comfortable knowing who we are talking to. That’s why we’ve told you a little about us. If you want to join the discussion, we ask that you introduce yourself to the list, in the whatever way you feel comfortable.
Who owns the copyright to the posts I make to the list?
You do. And the messages that you will receive are the work of the senders; please respect their rights.
How can I post material written by others that I think would interest the list?
Be sure you do not post any material that violates the copyright of others.To discuss an article or publication, refer to it in these ways:
- include brief excerpts and a review
- link to the article, if it is available on line
- include a reference to the author and source.
Can I send commercial announcements to the EDT Discussion List?
Please send these to the moderator for screening. Generally a short one-time commercial announcement of an event or service is permitted, as long as your post is informative and of interest to STDP practitioners.
How did the EDT Discussion List start?
This EDT Discussion List grew out of the efforts of The NJ/NY STDP Institute to bring together clinicians who practice various forms of STDP. For years, the institute had been holding conferences where practitioners of various systems present their work in an atmosphere of openness and collegiality. Discussions that began during a workshop in the fall of 1998 continued through e-mail, and expanded to include colleagues in the U.S. and Canada. This group of clinicians decided to open up the discussion to others. An informal e-mail discussion list was begun in Spring of 1998. In the Summer of 1998, list members decided to create a web site to host this information page, and make it easier for people to join, leave and ask questions about the list. It took some time to get the technical staff and details in place. The founders tested the list and site in December 1998. On January 1, 1999 the technical staff had completed the site and we were ready to open up the list. As the founders of the list, we hope that new contributors will help this list grow as an ideal forum for STDP networking on an international scale. The founding members include:
- Allan Abbass
- Michael Alpert
- Patricia Della Selva
- Diana Fosha
- Allen Kalpin
- Leigh McCullough
- Ferruccio Osimo
- Isabel Sklar
Click to apply to join the EDT Discussion List.