Dr. Allen Kalpin is a medical doctor practicing and providing psychotherapy supervision in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada. After being in general medical practice for many years he had six years of training and supervision in ISTDP with Habib Davanloo, MD. In addition to his psychotherapy work, he also practices addiction medicine in Toronto.
He is past president of the General Practice Psychotherapy Association (GPPA) of Canada, a founder and board member of IEDTA, founder and moderator of the STDP Email Discussion List, and creator and manager of this website.
Dr. Kalpin does EDT teaching and supervision internationally and has published many articles on EDT. He is currently developing an EDT approach called Mindfulness-Informed Experiential Dynamic Therapy (MI-EDT). He is the current president of IEDTA.
Contact Allen Kalpin, MD | Email: e-mail: akalpin@aol.com