Reviews of EDT-Related Resources:
The website publishes original reviews of significant EDT-related resources. Click here for more information, and to access a list of reviews.
EDT-Related Resources:
This website also maintains a list of resources related to EDT. To suggest additional resources to add, or for other resource-related communications, use the“Resource Listing/Reviews” option on the contact IEDTA form, or email
- EDT Books and Articles
- EDT Outcome Research
- EDT Journals
- EDT Videos
- Selected References on Topics Relevant to EDT
- Selected References on Affect, Emotion Theory, and Affective Neuroscience
- Selected References on Dyadic Regulation of Affect Literature Relevant to EDT
- Websites Related to EDT
Resource Suggestions?
To suggest an EDT resource to be listed, please use our Contact the IEDTA page and select “Resource Listing/Reviews” under “Choose a Topic.”