We are pleased to announce the formation of a new ISTDP core training program in Melbourne, Australia. This program is led by Dion Nowoweiski and is offered through the Melbourne Centre for ISTDP. It is certified by the IEDTA.
The program consists of 3 x 2 day meetings of didactic training per year (theory and video presentations) as well as 20 group-supervision meetings per year (including 30 minutes of supervision per trainee – upto 4 trainees per supervision group). Supervision of your own tapes is required as part of the group supervision component. Trainees receive 108 hours of didactic teaching, 60 hours of group supervision and 30 hours of individual supervision over the 3 year period of the program. Trainees are only required to make a commitment to one full year of training at a time.
The program is open to registered health professionals and postgraduate students in allied health programs. If you are interested in joining the program contact dion@mcistdp.com.au or call 0412 450 950 for further information or to request a registration form. A pre-core training program is also offered for those uncertain about the commitment. Full details are available at www.mcistdp.com.au.