The Mid-Atlantic Society for Training and Research in Davanloo’s ISTDP (a consortium of independent trainers) is pleased to announce the formation of two training groups, one in Bethesda, Maryland, and another in Kendall Park, NJ. The Mid-Atlantic Society is dedicated to the dissemination of the groundbreaking discoveries and psychotherapeutic innovations of Habib Davanloo, MD, and is designed to offer teaching and training to licensed mental health care providers who are interested in furthering their understanding of Dr. Davanloo’s New Metapsychology of the Unconscious and clinical interventions. Although there are various divergent forms of STDP that have evolved from Dr. Davanloo’s ground breaking discoveries over the course of time, this training is intended for those who are interested in learning a treatment process that maintains a high degree of fidelity to Dr. Davanloo’s teachings, discoveries and latest refinements to his techniques and Metapsychology of the Unconscious.
About the trainers: Dr. Rathauser completed 8 years of core training with Dr. Davanloo (1994-2002). Dr. Moore’s training with Dr. Davanloo began in 2005 and includes 3 years of Mobilization/Closed Circuit Training and 2 years of core training experiences. Dr. Wolski’s training with Dr. Davanloo began in 1994 and includes 8 years of core training. All trainers continue to attend yearly, weeklong Metapsychology courses with Dr. Davanloo and hold a commitment to transmit key aspects of his work which might be lost in other training approaches. These include a training atmosphere of deep respect for the patient and the patient’s suffering, a process in which the affective component is greater than the cognitive component, a focus on “working in the transference” (e.g., what that really means, why it is important, how to get there, with who, and what to do once there) and most importantly a major focus on guilt (e.g., what it is, why it is important and what to do with it).
Both groups will be structured to meet four times annually, with each meeting to begin on a Friday. The training groups are designed to meet the needs of therapists that have had prior exposure to ISTDP and wish to further develop their knowledge and skills of Davanloo’s groundbreaking discoveries, as well as those that are new to Davanloo’s work. The exact time frame will be determined by the group size. Both groups will offer an emphasis on teaching core metapsychological principles which underline and set the foundation for conceptualizing Davanloo’s ISTDP, as well as blocks of one on one training. The Bethesda group will be shared by Linda Smoling Moore, Ph.D., and John Hans Rathauser, Ph.D., while Robert Wolski, M.D. and John Hans Rathauser, Ph.D. will lead the NJ group. These programs will commence in March 2015. If you or anyone you know has interest in being a part of this opportunity, please contact Dr. Rathauser at or Dr. Moore at to request more information and a registration form.