Diana Fosha, PhD, is the developer of Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP), and founder and director of the AEDP Institute, an internationally recognized school that specializes in training therapists in a transformational approach to the treatment of attachment trauma. With an interest in the phenomenology of experience, Diana is on the cutting edge of transformational theory and practice. Changing how we think about change, she is opening up exciting possibilities for what can happen in psychotherapy.
Between 1985 and 1988, she trained intensively with Dr. Habib Davanloo in Montreal. She then went on work with Michael Alpert as faculty in his STDP program in Denville, NJ to develop a more empathy-led STDP. In the mid-90’s, while Michael Alpert continued developing AET, she went on to develop AEDP, which was officially launched with the publication of her 2000 book, The Transforming Power of Affect. In 2003, she started the AEDP Institute, which now has 16 faculty members and more than 20 certified supervisors worldwide. She has co-led core training groups with Ferruccio Osimo in New York City and Milan. What is now IEDTA began in her living room during a conversation between her and IEDTA’s first president, Ferruccio Osimo.
Diana is the author of The Transforming Power of Affect: A Model for Accelerated Change (Basic Books, 2000); first editor, along with Marion Solomon and Daniel Siegel, of The Healing Power of Emotion: Affective Neuroscience, Development, & Clinical Practice (Norton, 2009); and of numerous papers and chapters on healing transformational processes in experiential psychotherapy and trauma treatment. Two DVDs of her AEDP clinical work have been released by the American Psychological Association, one as part of their Systems of Psychotherapy Series (APA, 2006), and the other as part of their Therapy with Men Series (APA, 2013). She is a contributor for the online journal The Neuropsychotherapist, and is on their Panel of Experts. A sought-after presenter, she has done workshops, telecourses, webinars and immersion courses both in the US and internationally. Many of her papers are available through the AEDP website at www.aedpinstitute.com
She makes her home in New York City where she has a clinical practice. Her heroes include Charles Darwin, William James, and Patti Smith.
Contact Diana Fosha, PhD | Email: dianafosha@gmail.com