(Orginally posted 1 May 2016)
Surmounting Shame: Video Analysis of the Change Process with Susan Warren Warshow, LCSW
Presented by The DEFT Institute and The Insight Center
July 30, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Please note that early registration ends July 1, 2016.
Early registration is $165.
Full tuition is $195.
Registration: https://insightcenter.org/product/surmounting-shame-video-analysis-of-the-change-process-2/
Insight Center
1404 Greenfield Ave #1,
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Susan Warshow uses moment-to-moment video analysis of a client’s sessions to demonstrate a Dynamic Emotion Focused Therapy (DEFT) approach to depth emotion processing and integration.
DEFT interventions emphasize sensitivity to shame states related to early attachment trauma, as new levels of emotional intimacy are attempted within the therapeutic relationship. Research validates that the more we facilitate the expression of affect, the more patients exhibit positive change. Clinicians also know that accessing complex trauma-related affect, to be distinguished from explosive rage or helpless weepiness, is no easy matter. Numerous self-protective responses shield the most vulnerable parts of the self and are often deeply entrenched, unconscious and powerful. Alongside specific skills, DEFT studies the factors contributing to neurobiological attunement as well as the transmission of self-compassion. When the therapeutic relationship is sufficiently safe, it becomes possible for transformational shifts in the self to occur.
This workshop will illustrate through video analysis of client sessions:
• An approach to accessing unconscious emotions
• Elements of shame-sensitive psychotherapy
• Targeted interventions to disarm defenses
• Means to monitor and regulate anxiety
• Tracking of feelings, sensations and cognitions
• An integration of evidence-based methods
At the end of this workshop students will learn how DEFT:
• Activates a therapeutic partnership
• Responds to vulnerable client states
• Uses a graded approach to therapeutic interventions
• Tracks somatic signals and moment-to-moment phenomena
• Tailors interventions to client capacity
• Conveys compassion for the cost of defenses
• Uncovers the roots of character armor
• Avoids misattunement when working with resistance
Susan Warren Warshow, LCSW, Board Certified Diplomat, LMFT, is the founder of the Dynamic Emotion Focused Therapy Institute (DEFT), which began its three-tier training program in January 2012. She has a private practice in Woodland Hills, CA, treating individuals and couples, and she specializes in anxiety, depression, relationship issues and defeating personality traits. She also offers clinical supervision and online therapy, coaching and consultation.
CEUs are available from the American Psychological Association (APA) and the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN). The California Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) accepts CEUs from the APA.