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In this video based webinar you will learn how to work effectively with a highly resistant patient with both a character-disorder and anxiety and depression. We will learn to identify triangular conflicts involving jealousy and rivalry, as well as understanding how to help resolve them. These conflicts are common, yet often overlooked and misunderstood.
You will observe the process of a trial therapy, in which a specific set of interventions, the central dynamic sequence, is employed as a vehicle for determining the nature of the unconscious conflicts responsible for the patients symptoms and suffering, as well as suitability for treatment with Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP).
You will learn how to:
1) Conduct a dynamic inquiry, allowing you to assess the nature, history and severity of the presenting problems, and determine the patient’s current ego adaptive capacity
2) Assess and regulate anxiety, keeping it in the optimal zone
3) Acquaint the patient with both characterological defenses and specific defenses against specific anxiety provoking feelings in order to turn her against them.
4) Facilitate the breakthrough of complex mixed feelings in the transference
5) Understand and integrate thee material de-repressed once the unconscious is open and fluid
6) How to conduct the trial therapy in such a way as to accelerate and condense the therapeutic process, achieving results in weeks and months, rather than years.
Dr. Patricia Coughlin is a clinical psychologist, supervisor and author of three books on psychodynamic psychotherapy. Her first book, Intensive Short term Dynamic Psychotherapy: Theory and Technique, is a classic in the field.
Coughlin’s second book, Lives Transformed, was written in collaboration with David Malan in 2006.
Her latest book from 2016 is entitled Maximizing Therapeutic Effectiveness in Dynamic Psychotherapy. ISTDP was developed specifically to make psychotherapy more effective, specifically with highly resistant patients.
Patricia Coughlin has studied directly with Habib Davanloo, the pioneer who developed this method. We have had the great pleasure of having Patricia as our supervisor, and would like more people to learn from one of the masters in psychodynamic therapy.
As a supervisor in this field, she excels with a strong personal commitment to help you understand the larger lines of the client’s psychodynamics, using dynamic inquiry to develop and then actively test hypothesis driven from a tentative case formulation.
Her dialect in performing this method is distinct, with a rare ability to help you quickly pick up on the clients core conflicts and patterns. Here, we will feature a case in which an Oedipal conflict emerges unmistakably.
Patricia´s teachings add complexity, depth and meaning to the journey of learning how to apply this method.
Specific prior knowledge is not a necessity.
All participants must be licensed mental health professionals, adhere to the confidentiality agreement below*, and keep the camera on their computer on throughout the training.
Click here for more information on Patricia Coughlin
For additional questions contact the course coordinator at Psykologvirke in Oslo, Hilde Goksøyr:
Price NOK (kr) 1600,- / approx 170 USD
The time is 12-20 CET with a break from 1530-1630 CET
Link for participation via zoom will be provided.
You can easily register in the page below