The IEDTA Board of Directors (“the board”) consists of the officers, and other members elected by the board. It is ultimately responsible for all aspects of the functioning of the organization.
Current board members and positions are:
Allan Abbass, Immediate Past President, Officer of the Board (Canada)
Ron Albucher, President-Elect (USA)
Leone Baruh, Vice President (Italy)
Tami Chelew, President (USA)
Karen Dinsmore, Treasurer (Canada)
Katie Aafjes-van Doorn, Chair of Research (Netherlands, USA)
Susan Hajkowski, Chair of Education (UK)
Matthew Jarvinen, Chair of Membership (USA)
Nat Kuhn, Past President, Officer of the Board (USA)
Margaret Martin, Chair of Diversity (USA)
Dion Nowoweiski, Co-Chair of Technology (Australia)
Deborah Pollack, Secretary (USA)
Luca Rossi, Co-Chair of Technology (Italy)