This page includes information for paying your dues.
Payment of Dues
IEDTA accepts dues by credit card using It is not necessary to create a PayPal account in order to pay in this way. We no longer accept payment by check. If for some reason you are not able to pay by credit card, please contact
There is no payment due for retired members or trainees in IEDTA-Certified 3-year core training programs. For Core Trainees, the program is free for up to 3 years total, while actively enrolled in an IEDTA-Certified Core Training Program
We offer the following payment methods:
Due Dates
Your first payment is due with your application. There is no universal renewal date; membership lasts for two years after the IEDTA receives your application and dues.
Cost of Two-Year Membership
Regular Membership — $200.00/two years
Student Membership — $100.00/two years
Recent Core Training Graduate Membership -$100/first two years of membership, regular membership renewal fees apply thereafter
Core Trainee Membership — Free
Retiree Membership — Free
For more explanation of the membership types, see the Join IEDTA page.