Special Interests: Video research in the moment to moment psychophysiological responses in patients when we do EDT and experimenting with therapeutic interventions.
- Therapy: Individuals.
- Age groups: 18 years and above
- Languages spoken: English
- Training and/or supervision offered:
I do a training group in Minneapolis, Minnesota and one in Seattle, I teach courses in basic and advanced psychotherapy in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Washington in Seattle.
Training & Experience:
- Post-degree professional training:
Post-degree professional training: Psychiatry and family practice.
- Number of years of EDT Training: 11 years of training. 10 years training in Montreal in ISTDP, 5 years of Bush Medical Fellowship to do research in STDP therapy. Also AEDP immersion
- Licensing authority authorizing practice:
State of Washington
- License or certificate: MD00041215
Albert (Terry) Sheldon, MD
2271 NE 51st ST
Seattle WA 98105 USA
Telephone: (206) 522-8553 x 304
Fax: (206) 522-7815
Email: shelda@u.washington.edu
Please do not send any specific patient-identifying information through email.