I’m a licensed clinical social worker in Chapel Hill, NC specializing in the treatment of eating disorders, trauma, anxiety and depression. I received my masters in social work at Case Western Reserve University in 2008 where I started specializing in helping people recover from anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder.
- Therapy: Individual and group
- Age groups: 16-90
- Languages spoken: English
Training & Experience:
- Professional degree: MSW
- Professional degree earned in: 2008
- Post-degree professional training:
Core training
- In practice since: 2008
- Number of years of EDT Training: 2
- Practicing EDT since: 2022
- IEDTA certification: Going into second year of core training with Steve Shapiro, PhD
- Licensing authority authorizing practice:
Clinical Social Work Board of NC
- License or certificate: C007021
Colie Taico
1506 East Franklin Street
Chapel Hill NC 27514 USA
Telephone: +9193076898
Website URL: www.colietaico.com