Dr. S. Gerald Hann, a registered psychologist with almost 30 years of clinical experience, graduated with a doctorate in educational and school psychology from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Hann specializes in Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) with young adults and adults. ISTDP is a unique form of psychodynamic treatment that brings about rapid reduction and/or elimination of a broad spectrum of emotional symptoms. ISTDP interventions are specifically designed to resolve anxiety, depression, somatization and personality disorders, as well as alleviate a variety of self-defeating behaviors, many of which derive from unstable or troubled early life attachments. Dr. Hann uses his training and experience in ISTDP and psychological assessment to complete comprehensive evaluations that are beneficial to his clients, that include private individuals, government agencies, law firms, insurance companies, the Courts and private businesses.
- Therapy: Agencies, law firms, insurance companies, Courts and private businesses.
- Age groups: 15-90
- Languages spoken: English
- Training and/or supervision offered:
Certified ISTDP Teacher; Supervision in ISTDP and for Licensure supervision
Training & Experience:
- Professional degree: MASP, EdD
- Professional degree earned in: 1993; 1998
- Post-degree professional training:
Graduate of IEDTA Core Training with Dr. Allan Abbass
- In practice since: 1993
- Number of years of EDT Training: 12
- Practicing EDT since: 2008
- IEDTA certification: Teacher
- Licensing authority authorizing practice:
Nova Scotia Board of Examiners in Psychology (NSBEP)
- License or certificate: #03511; Granted 1993
Dr. S. Gerald Hann
Halifax Professional Centre; 5991 Spring Garden Road, Suite 585
Halifax Nova Scotia B3H 1Y6 Canada
Telephone: 902-453-8336
Fax: 902-453-8337
Website URL: http://www.hannpsychologicalservices.com
Email: ghann@hannpsychologicalservices.com
Please do not send any specific patient-identifying information through email.