ISTDP especially with adults with mental health problems, anxiety and mood disorders, and personality disorders, in my private practice, mental health clinics , and online (video call), and teaching colleagues
- Therapy: Individuals
- Age groups: 20+
- Languages spoken: Persian, English
- Training and/or supervision offered:
Introductory and pre-core raining and supervision courses for colleagues
Training & Experience:
- Professional degree: PhD in Clinical Psychology
- Professional degree earned in: 2020
- Post-degree professional training:
3-year ISTDP core training and supervision; ISTDP and supervisor in training with Josette ten Have de Labije; two workshops with Jon Feredrickson in Dubai
- In practice since: 2014
- Number of years of EDT Training: 4-5 years training with Josette ten Have de Labije, Robert J. Neborsky, and Kees Cornelissen
- Practicing EDT since: 2014
- IEDTA certification: graduate of IEDTA certified core training (2016-2019)
- Licensing authority authorizing practice:
Iran Psychology and Counseling Organization
- License or certificate: 5770
Hamed Aliaghaii, PhD
Miradamad, Valiasr
Tehran Tehran Iran
Other location information:
Skype: hamed.aghaii
Telephone: +989352227255
Email: hamedaghaii@me.com
Please do not send any specific patient-identifying information through email.