I am a Clinical Psychologist and EDT Therapist who aims to maintain a compassionate and mindful focus on my clients’ emotional wellbeing and emotional dynamics, building confidence for clients to have corrective emotional experiences in therapy and in other relationships in their lives. I have a strong interest in how we can improve our practice by learning the lessons from research on psychotherapy process and outcome. I am appreciative of my clients’ strengths, rigorous in exploring clients’ own motivation for change, and I track clients’ symptoms and experience of our work systematically at each session in order to address any difficulties in making progress at the first opportunity should they arise.
For further information about me and my practice please see www.headingtonpsychotherapy.co.uk
- Therapy: Individuals
- Age groups: Adults
- Training and/or supervision offered:
I am a Visiting Tutor at the Oxford Institute for Clinical Psychology Training. I teach here and independently on Psychotherapy Research for practitioners, Psychodynamic therapy, Working with Emotion, Working with Ruptures in the Alliance, and Feedback Informed Therapy. I have recently co-founded Oxford Psychological Training (www.oxfordpsychologicaltraining.co.uk) where I am offering a course on Key Clinical Skills in Therapy. I am a registered teacher and supervisor in EDT and offer supervision in EDT.
Training & Experience:
- Professional degree: PhD; DClinPsych
- Professional degree earned in: 2001
- Post-degree professional training:
1988-1994 Training in Gestalt Therapy with The Gestalt Trust (Scotland)
2002-2003 Certificate in Understanding Trauma at the Tavistock Clinic
2006-2009 Four years Training in EDT with Ferruccio Osimo
2010-2011 Training in Affect Phobia Therapy with Kristin Osborn - In practice since: 1994
- Number of years of EDT Training: 5
- Practicing EDT since: 2006
- IEDTA certification: Teacher/Supervisor
- Licensing authority authorizing practice:
Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC)
- License or certificate: PY16434
James Macdonald, PhD, DClinPsych
Headington Psychotherapy
110 Old Road
Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 8SX UK
Telephone: 07530 194745
Website title: Headington Psychotherapy
Website URL: http://www.headingtonpsychotherapy.co.uk
Email: james@headingtonpsychotherapy.co.uk
Please do not send any specific patient-identifying information through email.