Interested in working with patients with common mental disorders and trauma.
The techniques I learnt from Dr.Allan Abass are profoundly course-altering in therapies. My patients progress way better and faster especially those who used to be labelled as ”difficult” patients. I am interested in working with patients who had trauma, for which I find ISTDP useful every time.
- Therapy: Individuals, couples, groups
- Age groups: 18-65
- Languages spoken: English, Amharic and beginner level French
- Training and/or supervision offered:
Training & Experience:
- Professional degree: MD
- Professional degree earned in: 2017
- Post-degree professional training:
Specialty certificate in psychiatry
- In practice since: 2022
- Number of years of EDT Training: 1
- Practicing EDT since: 2022
- Licensing authority authorizing practice:
Medicine and psychiatry-Ethiopian health bureau
Nardos Seifu
Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Telephone: +251910637616