I offer Intensive Short Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy with Individuals and Couples. I see patients in my private practice in Central London uk and my home in Hertfordshire UK. I also offer therapy online
- Therapy: Individuals and couples
- Age groups: 18 - 75
- Languages spoken: English and Hebrew
- Training and/or supervision offered:
I offer Integrative and ISTDP Supervision (UKCP listed supervisor)
Training & Experience:
- Professional degree: Psychotherapy MA 2006
- Professional degree earned in: Counselling 1990 Psychotherapy Diploma 1992
- Post-degree professional training:
Training Therapist (Offering therapy to trainees), Supervision, Right Relations Skills (couples), Group Therapy, ISTDP
- In practice since: 1988
- Number of years of EDT Training: Three year, ISTDP-UK Core Group 6
- Practicing EDT since: 2015
- IEDTA certification: IEDTA Accreditation Certificate Since April 2018
- Licensing authority authorizing practice:
- License or certificate: 930252
Ofra Anker MA
19 Nassau Street
London W1W 7AF United Kingdom
Other location information:
I run a small private practice in Arkley, Hertfordshire, UK
I am available for work online
Telephone: +447799060748
Website URL: http://www.ofraanker.com
Email: Ofra@Ofraanker.com
Please do not send any specific patient-identifying information through email.