- Therapy: Individuals, couples, and groups.
- Age groups: Adolescents and adults.
- Languages spoken: Italian, Little English.
- Training and/or supervision offered:
Individual supervision.
Training & Experience:
- Professional degree: Psychologist PsyD
- Professional degree earned in: Psychologist 1980
- Post-degree professional training:
3-year post-graduate school in short-term psychotherapies, 4-year post-graduate school autogeno psychotherapy and short-term therapy, professional activites with S.P.A.I.
- In practice since: 1986
- Number of years of EDT Training: 3
- Practicing EDT since: 2014
- IEDTA certification: Graduate of IEDTA-Certified Core Training
- Licensing authority authorizing practice:
Psychologists' Order of Emilia Romagna - Italy
- License or certificate: 860a
Patrizia Arcuri
Via Giacomo Ciamician, 4
Bologna BO 40127 Italy
Fax: +39051 244172
Please do not send any specific patient-identifying information through email.