I’m a licensed psychologist and psychotherapist specializing in treating adults with ISTDP. My practice is located in central Stockholm, Sweden.
- Therapy: Individual
- Age groups: 18-100
- Languages spoken: Swedish and English
- Training and/or supervision offered:
Individual supervision and core-training in ISTDP.
Training & Experience:
- Professional degree: MA, PhD
- Professional degree earned in: MA in 2002, PhD in 2014
- Post-degree professional training:
3-year advanced training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy at Stockholm University.
- In practice since: 2002
- Number of years of EDT Training: 5
- Practicing EDT since: 2008
- IEDTA certification: Graduate of 3-years core-training with Patricia Coughlin, PhD
- Licensing authority authorizing practice:
The National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden
Peter Lilliengren, PhD
Stockholm Stockholm
Website URL: http://www.affekta.se
Email: peter.lilliengren@affekta.se
Please do not send any specific patient-identifying information through email.