Special Interests:
- Relationship and Commitment Difficulties
- Anxiety and Mood Disturbances
- Self-defeating Habits
- Therapy: Individuals, Couples
- Age groups: Adults (18-80)
- Languages spoken: English
- Training and/or supervision offered:
I hold an appointment as an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine where I direct the Attachment-Based ISTDP and Accelerated Psychotherapy Clinic. I teach and supervise the psychiatry residents on Attachment and the practice of ISTDP. I offer clinical training and supervision in ISTDP and AB-ISTDP.
Training & Experience:
- Professional degree: PhD
- Professional degree earned in: 1990
- Post-degree professional training:
-- Over 25 years of clinical experience
-- ISTDP core training with Robert J. Neborsky & H. Davanloo 1998-2002
-- Advanced Seminar in Interpersonal Neurobiology with Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. 2002- 2004
-- Advanced study with Allan Abbass, M.D., Jon Frederickson, and Josette ten Have-de Labije - In practice since: 1990
- Number of years of EDT Training: 10 years
- Practicing EDT since: 1992
- IEDTA certification: Teacher, Supervisor and Core Trainer
- Licensing authority authorizing practice:
California Board of Psychology.
- License or certificate: PSY12661
Robin L. Kay, PhD
Los Angeles CA USA
Other location information:
Offices in Beverly Hills, California and Los Angeles, CA.
Telephone: 424.262.6461
Website title: www.DrRobinKay.com
Website URL: http://www.DrRobinKay.com
Email: DrRobinKay@gmail.com
Please do not send any specific patient-identifying information through email.