- Therapy: Individuals, couples, family
- Age groups: 3-99
- Languages spoken: Hebrew, English, some Norwegian
- Training and/or supervision offered:
Supervision and training influenced by EDT, also applicable to working with children and families..
Training & Experience:
- Professional degree: PhD, Licensed clinical psychologist and supervisor in clinical psychology
- Professional degree earned in: 2012 - PhD, 2004 - specialist in clinical psychology , 2013 - Licensed supervisor in clinical psychology
- Post-degree professional training:
Core training with Dr. Osimo.
- In practice since: 1998
- Number of years of EDT Training: 5
- Practicing EDT since: 2011
- IEDTA certification: Graduate of Dr. Osimo's core training
- Licensing authority authorizing practice:
Israeli Ministry of Health.
- License or certificate: 27-7042
Ruth Derdikman Eiron, PhD
38 Freud St.
Haifa Israel Israel
Telephone: +972-544-953123
Website URL:
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