I am a clinically trained MSW, RSW, RP (Masters degrees (Pratt Institute and Smith College), ATR-BC (Registered Art Therapist). I am Registered to provide psychotherapy in Ontario and Nova Scotia Canada. My special interest is working with complex trauma and post trauma development using both talk and art therapy. My services are through Zoom. I am a certified Coach and provide coaching services for folks outside of Ontario and Nova Scotia.
- Therapy: Individuals
- Age groups: 18-65
- Languages spoken: English
Training & Experience:
- Professional degree: MA, MSW, MPS
- Professional degree earned in: MSW 2016
- Post-degree professional training:
AEDP, NARM and Organic Intelligence seminars and ISTDP trainings
- Number of years of EDT Training: 1
- Licensing authority authorizing practice:
CRPO and OASWSSW Ontario/Nova Scotia and AATCB
- License or certificate: 827976
Susan Leopold
61 Winners Circle
Toronto Ontario M4L3Y7 Canada
Telephone: +4167257738
Website URL: http://www.susanleopold.com