- Therapy: Individuals and Groups
- Age groups: Older Teens and Adults
- Languages spoken: German, English
Training & Experience:
- Professional degree: Diploma (psychology)
- Professional degree earned in: 2011
- Post-degree professional training:
Approval as cognitive-behavioural therapist.
Approbation (approval) as Psychologischer Psychotherapeut für Verhaltenstherapie (psychological psychotherapist for kognitiv-behavioral therapy), since 2022 core training in IS-TDP under Yvonne Hänsch (Dresden/Germany) - In practice since: 2016
- Number of years of EDT Training: 3
- Practicing EDT since: 2022
- IEDTA certification: Third year in core training in IS-TDP under Yvonne Hänsch.
- Licensing authority authorizing practice:
State Office for Health and Social Affairs (Berlin, Germany), Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (Berlin, Germany)
- License or certificate: 31699 (Arztregister), 081464868 (LANR)
Tino Kretschmer
Berlin 10317 Germany
Telephone: +491793979938
Website URL: