This IEDTA-certified core training program offers certification following completion of 3 years of group membership, consisting of 4 meetings per year, each of 3 days duration. The training provides didactic presentations on metapsychological and clinical interventions in Davanloo’s ISTDP. Group members will present videos of their work with patients, as well as observing and discussing videos offered by the trainer. The work is designed to cover an array of areas specific to Dr. Davanloo’s work, including an understanding of the Central Dynamic Sequence, the use of P (pressure) and C (challenge) , vertical vs. graded applications of P and C, with particular emphasis on working with the T (transference).
Program Information
Program Name: Core Training in D-ISTDP with John Rathauser
Location(s):Los Angeles, California
CE Credits: The current group is being provided with CE credits as one of the members is able to provide this. They are not, however, guaranteed.
Contact Information for Registration
John Rathauser, Ph.D.
Responsible for Training
Lead trainer: John Rathauser, Ph.D.
Who Should Attend
Psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers who are licensed for independent practice.
IEDTA Certified: Yes
Format of Training
Four times annually, each block of 3 days duration.
Commitment Required:
Each trainee commits to one year of training at a time, and continues for 3 years if they wish to obtain certification. In keeping with Davanloo's core training model, students are welcome to continue advancing their skills once certification is offered.
Learning Objectives
The trainer spent 8 years in core training with Dr. Davanloo, in addition to a total of 23 years of attendance at his annual metapsychology conferences in Montreal. The training is centered on teaching his unique form of psychotherapy.
$3600.00 annually
Refund Policy:The trainee agrees to one year of training at a time, with no available refunds.