A three year course in ISTDP based on the original writings of H. Davanloo and the handbook Mastering Intensive Short Term Dynamic psychotherapy, a Roadmap to the unconscious, Josette Ten Have-de Labije and Robert J. Neborsky,
Karnack 2012 ISBN-13: 978-1-85575-821-6. The core straining consists of 6 three day weekends per year during three years, it is based on the idea to learn the trainee core competences in theory and practice of ISTDP, Each weekend consists of one day of theory and presentations, discussion of literature and an exam. The other two days are designed to execute individual supervision in the learning group. Each workshop has been given a working title, for example; Emotion regulation, physiological and neurobiological aspects, the relevant literature on the subject, a day schedule. Each workshop is evaluated while using APA forms. The core training is accredited with all Dutch associations that deliver accreditation points in order to be able to reregister for the governmental licenses involved
Program Information
Program Name: Core training in ISTDP in the Netherlands, Netherlands Foundation for ISTDP (only available in the Dutch language)
CE Credits: the training is designed to meet the requirements of the Dutch governmental and societal requirements to register and reregister as a legal practitioner of psychotherapy in the Netherlands and is accredited by the Dutch associations for psychiatry, psychology and psychotherapy, the CE points for the Netherlands are -Dutch Association for Psychiatry; 108 CE credits -Federation for Health care Psychologists and Psychotherapists; 76 CE credits -Dutch Association for Psychotherapy; 234 CE credits
Contact Information for Registration
Kees Cornelissen e; cornelis.cornelissen@gmail.com t; 0031654795533
Email: info@istdp-nederland.nl
Web site: http://www.istdp-nederland.nl
Responsible for Training
Lead trainer: Kees Cornelissen and Josette ten Have-de Labije Josette ten Have-de Labije runs international pre-core ISTDP training groups, international ISTDP core training groups, advanced ISTDP training groups, individual supervision in Berlin, the Netherlands or elsewhere in the world and presents in master classes, summer schools, workshops, conferences. She has published several articles in the Ad Hoc Bulletin of ISTDP: practice and theory. The book, Mastering ISTDP : a roadmap to the unconscious is written by Josette ten Have-de Labije and Robert Neborsky (Karnac Karnack 2012 ISBN-13: 978-1-85575-821-6). See further the collected writings of Josette ten Have-de Labije (Unlocking Press).Josette ten Have-de Labije is editor in chief of the Ad Hoc Bulletin of ISTDP. During 3 years she has received supervision from Professor Dr H. Davanloo. Kees Cornelissen works in a private practice in The Netherlands which offers day treatment and individual psychotherapy based on the ISTDP , formerly he worked in a residential center for psychotherapy where he developed residential and day treatment ISTDP, working with the technique in a group-setting. He wrote a book about residential ISTDP, has published several articles in the Ad Hoc Bulletin of ISTDP: practice and theory. Co-author in several other publications. He runs the Dutch ISTDP core training in ISTDP, international ISTDP, core trainings, individual supervision, , presents in conferences, summer schools, masterclasses, in- and outside the Netherlands, chairman of the Dutch Foundation For ISTDP.
Other trainers:José Verpoort and Joy Oonk
Who Should Attend
Psychiatrists, Clinical psychologists, Psychotherapists and Psychologists
Type of Training
Other training offered: -individual supervision; On request individual Supervision is offered to clinicians as a part of the training weekends each participant is required to bring videotaped material of his work with patients and receives then individual supervision in the group of fellow participants duration approx.. 90 minutes per person. -core training; this program is designed as a classical core training in a group, each participant is obliged to participate in 6 workshops of three consecutive days per year, one day is a workshop highlighting an important subject of the ISTDP ( see the list of subjects), the next two days are used for individual supervision, roleplays and theoretical elaboration on the subjects that emanate from the supervision. All participants are obliged to read the literature that goes with each theoretical workshop, the first day of their training weekend and they are given an examination by means of three or four questions about the literature they had to read. -theoretical and clinical seminars and courses; summer schools, advanced training, workshops, conferences. Re the core-training each workshop, training block opens with a day on a theoretical subject, the trainer or the co trainer prepares a PowerPoint presentation on the subject and roleplay to practice the material on the spot. -workshops and immersion courses; Workshops in and outside the Netherlands Re the coretraining; participants are encouraged to participate in events re ISTDP, the IEDTA conferences, workshops organized on ISTDP subjects by other organizations in and out the Netherlands. -informal exposure to clinical research methodology; Participants will learn to work with their patients as in a N=1 study and to fullfill the requirements of such a N=1 study -other type of training. Pre-core ISTDP training groups, intervision with colleagues Intervision; each participant is obliged to participate in intervision meetings, monthly. They keep a log re the subjects, their discussions and presence.
IEDTA Certified: yes
Format of Training
• 18 blocks of three days, 54 days, in three years,
• Theoretical education of totally ; 144 hrs.
• Supervision hours; 288
• Intervision hours; approx. 100 hrs.
• Format; first day theory and practice of a given subject, roleplay
• Second and third day; individual supervision in group, roleplay, elaboration of the subjects that emerged from the supervision and are relevant for the group
• Intervision once a month, obliged
• Theory exams each block
Commitment Required:
as mentioned before 6 weekends per year, during three days, 144 hours of education, Intervision and self-study at home
Group size is minimal 6 and maximal 12 therapists for the group to be viable . Each trainee is expected to make a commitment to a year of training at a time. Those trainees who complete a full 3 years will receive their certification in ISTDP from the IEDTA and the Netherlands Foundation for ISTDP. If a trainee chooses to leave the training after their year’s commitment, that space will be made available to a therapist interested in joining the training. If there is interest, the group could extend beyond 3 years to provide advanced training for those with certification or the ability to obtain certification for those who joined the group after its inception.
Learning Objectives
- Assessment of the nature and degree of the particular patient´s superego and character pathology
- Assessment of the particular patient´s anxiety regulation
- Assessment of the nature and degree of the patient´s ego adaptive capacity
- Techniques of 1) confrontation, identification, clarification , 2) challenge, 3) pressure, 4) HoC, to be aimed at which patient´s variable
- Techniques to separate ego from superego
- Assessment of quality and degree of the working alliance with the patient
- Techniques to establish the working alliance with the patient
- Restructuring the patient´s ego adaptive capacity
- Techniques to maintain and increase the quality of the working alliance with the patient
- Helping the patient to constructively deal with his emotions , impulse, anxiety
- Turning red traffic lights into green on the road to the patient´s unconscious
- Unlocking of I/F and past traumata
- Working through, C-P-T links
- Saying farewell and preparation for Follow Up sessions
each training block costs € 700,-
Refund Policy:yes, cancellation three months before the training starts there is a refund of 100 %, three months before the training starts 75%, one month 50%, at the start no refund possible.