This is an IEDTA certified three year core training program in ISTDP offered online from Melbourne, Australia.
Participants are able to attend the training online, in person or a mix of online and in person.
Program Information
Program Name: Core Training in ISTDP with Dion Nowoweiski
Location(s):Melbourne, Australia
Contact Information for Registration
Phone: 1300 137 899
Mobile: +61 412 450 950
Web site:
Additional web site:
Responsible for Training
Lead trainer: Dr Dion Nowoweiski
Other trainers:Experienced ISTDP therapists/colleagues may be invited to contribute at times.
Who Should Attend
Registered/licensed mental health professionals.
Provisional psychologists enrolled in postgraduate programs.
All participants must be able to video record sessions with patients to review the application of ISTDP techniques.
IEDTA Certified: Yes
Format of Training
This is a three year core training program and comprising two components:
1. Didactic training - The focus of these is on teaching and practicing the core skills of ISTDP with extensive use of the trainer's video recorded ISTDP sessions.
2. Practical Training - Small group (3-4 people). Each trainee receives practical feedback on their work, as well as observing their colleague's work and feedback.
Commitment Required:
Didactic component: over 30 hours of training per year.
Practical component: 6 hours of practical training for each individual per year with an additional 12 hours of practical training as part of a group. An additional 18 hours of group practical training is available per year.
Training is conducted on weekends and participants are required to sign up for one year of training at a time.
Acceptance into the following year of training will be dependent on progress each year.
Learning Objectives
To achieve a high level of competence in the theory and application of ISTDP with patients across the entire Spectra of psychological functioning (Spectrum of Psychoneurotic Disorders + Fragile Character Structure).