Program Information
Program Name: Core Training ISTDP in the Netherlands with Jon Frederickson in co-operation with the VKDP, the Dutch association for Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy.
Date(s): November 2018 - November 2021
Location(s):Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Contact Information for Registration
Email contacts: Email: (Jon Frederickson) and (Annette Kalbfleisch)
Tel: +31.20.6165450
Responsible for Training
Lead trainer: Jon Frederickson
Other trainers:Co-Trainer: Annette Kalbfleisch
Who Should Attend
Registered psychotherapists, healthcare psychologists, clincal psychologists, psychiatrists
Type of Training
Core Training
IEDTA Certified: Yes
Format of Training
The core group counts 10 participants. Twice a year the group has a block of 3 days. In between these 3 day-blocks the group, divided in 2 smaller groups, receives a total of 6 half day meetings. Core training includes didactic presentations on theory and technique, readings, powerpoints, group supervision, and skill building exercises. Participants show video taped material of their work in supervision.x