The international core group training of three years duration takes place 4 times a year during a long weekend. Location Berlin. The eact dates will be established during registration and first weekend. First day starts at 10 am and ends at 19 pm second and third day starts at 9 am and ends at 18pm. Core group members are supposed to participate at the workshops and Summer Schools, organized by the supervisors.
Next to theory, practice via rolew play, there is supervision. Participants have to show the parts of therapy to be supervised on videotape or other audiovisual recorded material. Subtitles in English or a paper transcript in English of the parts that are to be supervised
First year : theory, assessment, techniques
– spectrum of structural neurosis, superego pathology, character pathology
– nature and degree of ego adaptive capacity
– anxiety assessment and regulation
– front door and cellar door defenses
– separation of ego and superego parts
– evaluation of participants
Second year : theory and techniques
– Working alliance
– when to work in T,C or P
– restructuring the ego adaptive capacity
– regulation of emotions
-unlock the unconscious
– working through
-evaluation of participants
third year : repetition of first and second year
Supervisors : Josette ten Have-de Labije, (PsyD), Kees Cornelissen (SocD), and Assistants Elzbieta Brodowska, (psychologist/psychotherapist) Poland, Renata Komorowska (MD), Poland, Cyrus Roustayan (PsyD), Italy
and international supervisors on invitation
Program Information
Program Name: International Core training in ISTDP with Josette ten Have-de Labije, Berlin
Contact Information for Registration
Josette ten Have-de Labije, see emailaddress
Responsible for Training
Lead trainer: Josette ten Have de Labije
Other trainers:Kees Cornelissen
and invited supervisors
Who Should Attend
psychotherapists, psychiatrists, medical doctors, family therapists, msw´s
Other training offered: workshops, immersion courses
IEDTA Certified: yes
600 euro per core group training weekend