ISTDP Core Training is educational initiative of two independed mental health providers: ISTDP Silesia in Katowice (Elżbieta Brodowska-psychologist, psychotherapist) and JaKto Therapy Center in Poznań (Renata Komorowska-Pietrzykowska- M.D. psychiatrist). We are creating it as ISTDP supervisors in order to share our knowledge and experience with other therapists working in this approach, as well as with all those interested in expanding their professional competence in the area of understanding psychopathology and the art of ISTDP psychotherapy.
Our teachers were Josette Ten Have – de Labije, Robert Neborsky, Kees Cornelissen, Allan Abbas, Jon Fredericson, Ferrucio Ossimo. Such an extensive and diverse team of distinguished lecturers, in addition to the opportunity to draw knowledge and experience from each of them.
We would like to invite to the ISTDP Core Training starting this year. During the three-year training there will be an opportunity to learn directly from us and also from our master – Josette ten Have de Labije, who will be a guest supervisor of one meeting each year.
Training conventions will be held in Katowice, Poznan and Berlin.
Program Information
Program Name: ISTDP Core Training in Poland with Elżbieta Brodowska and Renata Komorowska- Pietrzykowska
Location(s):Katowice, Poland
Poznań, Poland
Berlin, Germany
Contact Information for Registration
Elżbieta Brodowska, +48604177550
Renata Komorowska-Pietrzykowska, +48691363690
Web site:
Responsible for Training
Lead trainer: Elżbieta Brodowska, Renata Komorowska-Pietrzykowska
Other trainers:Josette ten Have-de Labije and other guest master therapists
Who Should Attend
The training is addressed to persons certified to work in the field of mental health (psychiatrists, psychotherapists, clinical psychologists, licensed social workers), and others working in the mental health sector. Also for those who are in the educational process, and applying for above-mentioned authorizations. In such cases decisions will be made on an individual basis.
IEDTA Certified: Yes
Format of Training
The ISTDP core- group training of 3 years duration (Nov 2022 -Dec 2025) will provide four training/supervision blocks per year. Each block will take 2 or 3 consecutive days, depending on the group size.
• The training programme include 4 meetings ( 2 or 3 days depending on the group size) per year for 3 years. Additionally 2 days immersion yearly.
• Between training/supervision meetings, core group participants will get support in the form of peer intervision conducted by assistants of the supervisors ( ISTDP colleagues who are in the process to become ISTDP teacher).
• Next to the above mentioned, our core group participants are expected to deepen their knowledge and expertise by attending workshops, seminars, masterclasses and the IEDTA Conferences.
• Each student must receive at least 80 hours of teaching (other than supervision) and a minimum of 15 hours of supervision (individual in group) of her or his own cases within a 3-year period.
• As part of the training, participants will receive more than 80 hours of theoretical teaching and a minimum of 15 hours of active supervision. Each training block will include 7 hours of teaching ISTDP theory and techniques. Methods : Discussion of literature that has been given to the students to read, video presentation of the supervisor's clinical work, role-playing, power point presentations.
• During the 3 years of training each participant will present at least 12 cases of his/her therapeutic work for supervision, during the training meetings during peer intervision.
• We are planning a group of between 4 and 12 participants.
Commitment Required:
3 years
Learning Objectives
Content Overview
1. History of ISTDP, and different forms of EDT
2. Research in ISTDP
3. Davanloo’s understanding the patient's psychopathology of psychoneurosis
4. Assessment and treatment planning
5. Establishing and maintaining the conscious and unconscious working alliance with the healthy part of the patient
6. Assessment of the patient’s front door and cellar door defenses
7. Assessing the patient's anxiety regulation pattern and intervening to achieve healthy anxiety regulation
8. Restructuring the patient's ego adaptive capacity
9. Separation of the patient's healthy ego from the pathological parts of the superego
10. Working with the patient in the Triangle of Persons and the Triangle of Conflict
11. Assessment of the patient's regulation of emotions
12. Unlocking the patient's complex of painful feelings and access to traumatic past experiences (visualization of the patient’s impulse, guilt, grief)
13. Working through and making C-P-T- links
14. Termination phase and Follow-up.
36000 PLN
Refund Policy:We kindly request payment for each training session in advance- so 12 payments of 3000 PLN across the training, one at the start of each training.
No refunds are available.