Name: Dr. Patricia Coughlin
Training program position: Director of Training
Where the training is located: A new core group is forming and will take place during 2008 in Center City, Philadelphia. The dates are March 14-16; June 13-15; September 12-14 and December 5-7. Core training includes didactic presentations on theory and technique, but the focus is group supervision. Each member of the group must be willing to show a video tape of their work during each training session.
The type of training(s) you offer: In addition to Core Training, I offer individual and small group supervision. For those who live far from Philadelphia, phone supervision is possible.
Who is eligible to participate in the training that you offer: PhDs, MDs and MSWs. All licensed mental health professionals are eligible.
What kind of EDT training do you offer? Training is in Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy
IEDTA Certified: Yes, ISTDP
Format of your training: Core group is between 8-12 participants.
Are you available for long-distance telephone supervision from videotapes? Yes
What is your contact information? Tel: 215-925-2660 or